Do You Want to Know How to Hypnotize a Girl? Follow These Quick Easy Steps to Make a Girl Go Gaga

Do You Want to Know How to Hypnotize a Girl? Follow These Quick Easy Steps to Make a Girl Go Gaga

Being a man is not always easy especially when it comes to approaching the girl you are very interested in. Fear of rejection is usually the one that precludes a guy to initiate advances and taking the first step towards the girl you like is really difficult. So, before mustering the courage to draw near your quarry, stack up your arsenal with useful ammunition by following these tips:

  1. Establish eye contact. When you managed to approach the object of your affection and start up a conversation, establish eye contact with her at least longer than a second or two. Not too long now or it will become uncomfortable. By establishing eye contact, you are engaging her on an unconscious plane. This is a very powerful way to start.
  2. Mirroring. Do apply a technique like Mirroring. This means that you match her posture, gesture or body language and even her speech. Like if she sips her drink, you sip yours too. You don’t have to do exactly the same thing. If she adjusts her earring, you could adjust your tie. This would establish the same unconscious wavelength as she is and she would begin to feel such a strong connection or rapport with you. At this point, what you say appears very convincing to her.
  3. Take the lead. After making such a progress with Mirroring, this time you can change your posture or gesture and see if she follows your example. If she does follow suit, then it is safe to say that you are now leading her unconsciously. This is one of the powerful techniques on learning how to hypnotize a girl.
  4. Use hypnotic words. Women are not the visual creatures as men are. It is the words that are powerful when it comes to hypnotizing a girl for women are more of auditory creatures. You can hypnotize a girl with the power of words because words can alter a girl’s emotions. It’s not to say that you flood her head with flattery and compliments. Words are potent if you use it correctly. And it won’t hurt if you are sincere. Most women appreciate honestly and more importantly are they want men who listen.